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Squiggly Wigglies



Magnifying glass

Colored pom-poms, all sizes | pipe cleaners, all colors

Googly eyes, small to very small | glue (tacky, or low-heat hot glue)

Sequins, beads, buttons, foil, plastic wrap, etc. | fabric paint

Safety scissors | sticks or small dowels | string or thread



First, go on a "bug hunt." See how many different insects you can spot. Look in different habitats - on leaves, under leaves, in old wood, in tall grass, under rocks, in water, and so forth.


Try to find bugs that move in different ways - the legs of a spider, the wings of a butterfly, the wriggling motion of a worm or caterpillar. Talk about these ways of moving and how important they may be to the creature's survival.


Talk about the colors of the bugs you find, too. Why does it make sense for a pillbug (also called a "sowbug") to be plain and gray? (it blends in with the dirt) Why would a ladybug be so boldly colorful, with the red shell and black dots? (to warn predators that the ladybugs tastes awful, which she does) Talk about "camouflage" and how important it is to bug survival.


Let each child take a good look at bugs not known to be possibly hurtful (this rules out bees and wasps!) with the magnifying glass.


When you get back, it's time to make your own Squiggly Wiggly!



This Squiggly Wiggly is called a "Fuzzie B. Qu'ute."

Note the plastic wrap for the wings. The bug gets its food

by landing on it and sucking it up into its fuzz.

The 11-year-old who made it said it is an "omnivore," which is a big word

for "eats plants and other animals."



Lay out the supplies and encourage each child to use his or her imagination to create a creature that they might find in a garden, or one of the ones they just observed.


They can make it by cutting, gluing, bending and assembling a creature to take home. They can use all combinations of supplies to make an existing creature, or one of their very own invention.


Remind them of details such as antennae. If they'd rather make a frog or a lizard, that's fine, too. If you offer that possibility, just make sure you have enough green pom-poms and pipe cleaners!


Ask each child to name his or her bug, and tell how the bug move around, gets its food, etc.


When finished, tie a string or thread to the creature and to a stick or small dowel. It should wiggle when the stick is moved.


Then play some music and have a SQUIGGLY WIGGLY PARADE!!!


By Susan Darst Williams • • Arts & Crafts © 2012



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