Garden Tools
You probably don't need all of these
tools for a kids' gardening club, but it would be nice to pull together as many
as you can. Parents, neighbors and friends might be willing to give up used
ones, and garage sales and www.craigslist.com
are good sources.
only tools you might need duplicates of include gloves, spades, hand trowels
and hoes. Try to have one for every two or three kids so that all can be busy
during work sessions.
§ Gloves
§ Garden
§ Spade
(long, skinny shovel)
§ Shovel
§ Steel
§ Hand trowel
(the heavier and sturdier, the better)
§ Cultivator
§ Clippers
§ Hoe
§ Garden
§ Sprinkling
head for hose
§ Watering
can, preferably with a rose (round sprinkling end so that the water sprinkles
out, and doesn't rush out)
§ Tall
tomato cages (5 feet or more for most varieties; try to find them ready-made on
www.craigslist.com or in garage sales,
or have someone make you some out of reinforcing wire grid made for concrete,
as long as the openings are 6" x 6", wide enough for you to put your hand in
and take out a big tomato without squooshing it)
§ Tall
bean poles (these need to be sunk at least one foot underground to be sturdy)
§ Tent
stakes to secure cages to the ground
§ Nylon
pantyhose, jute string, or plastic garden tape to tie tomato stems to their
supports, etc.