Youth Garden
Club Parent Permission Form
As you get your club under way, it's a very good idea to send a flier
home with students with information about the club, and ask parents to sign and
return the permission slip for your files.
Your flier might include a little about your club's goals, your club's
schedule over the growing season, a few simple rules and expectations, and
anything else you think would be important to communicate.
It's a very good idea to have every student's home telephone number,
parents' cell phones, and email addresses, in case of inclement weather or if
you need to cancel a club meeting.
You can print out a form like this one to obtain parental signatures before
you start your garden club. This excellent, attractive example is from the
Gifford Park Community Garden's youth program at 35th and Cass Streets in
Of course, if you follow this format, you will want to insert your
club's meeting days and times, and the name of your club. But this is a good
model to follow: