No-Brainer Garden Plan
Garden notebook
Grid paper | Ruler | Pencil and
Plastic pockets to store seed
After you've prepared
your garden space, selected the plants you want to grow, and formed a pretty
good idea of what you want to put where, you still should get it down on paper.
It's amazing how
quickly we forget, if we don't keep a record.
It will really help you
next year as you discard the boo-boo's and double the amount of plants you want
to grow for the big performers.
Encourage your students
to each start a garden notebook. A simple three-ring binder will do. When you
give the students handouts about gardening, or grid paper for planning,
three-hole punch it in advance so that they can easily slip the pages into their
It might be a good idea for each student in a kids'
garden group to draw the garden plan so that each one has a record. Later in
the growing season, you'll want to take a photo and compare it to the original
If it's overwhelming to you to plan out a garden and
balance all the plants' needs, height, breadth, and other factors, here's a
simple solution. This website has easy-to-follow plans for several different
kinds of gardens, including a really fun kids' vegetable garden. Check it out: