The Good W.O.R.D. in
Wide Rows, Organic
Methods, Raised Beds, Deep Soil
An "acronym" is a word formed by the initial letters of other
words placed in order. The acronym "W.O.R.D." is a great way to remember the
four basic ideas that guide you in garden planning:
W . . . for Wide Rows.
A garden should be about three or four feet wide. Years ago, most
gardens were planted in rows of about one-foot each. But now we know that wide
rows are better. And it's best to never, ever walk on the dirt where plants are
growing, or will soon grow.
The more space you give plants in loose, fertile soil, the larger
their root systems will spread out, and the larger the vegetables and flowers
will be.
With wide rows, you can plant more plants, so that increases your
If you plant plants in narrow rows, with walkways between the
rows, you waste a lot of growing space, you may waste water on the walkways,
and your feet will compact the soil, making it poor quality in the future
should you decide to use it to grow plants.
Plus, in wide rows, you can plant more plants together, and they
will shade out weeds and keep moisture from evaporating.
O . . . for Organic
An "organic" garden is one that takes advantage of nature, instead
of man-made methods and products, to grow better vegetables and flowers.
Rather than purchasing man-made fertilizers and pest control
products, an organic gardener makes compost out of things that people used to
throw away - grass clippings, raked leaves, vegetable scraps, eggshells, coffee
grounds - to not only reduce the amount of garbage you throw away, but to
greatly improve the soil in your garden.
Organic gardeners love earthworms because they make the soil
better for plants, so they don't use harsh chemicals in the garden that can
kill worms.
They use natural products like sulfur to fight off beetles.
Instead of poisoning rabbits and raccoons that want to raid their garden
plants, they build simple little fences to protect their crops and keep the
critters out.
Instead of spraying chemicals on bugs that might make the
vegetables unsafe to eat, they simply pick the bugs off and squash them, or
they grow plants that attract birds to the garden to eat the bugs for them, or
they plant plants with a certain smell that the bugs hate, to keep them away
An organic gardener will plant plants with plenty of space between
them so that the air can circulate, and prevent diseases that so often come
from crowded gardens. That way, harsh chemicals in fungicides and other man-made
products don't have to be used.
Instead of using man-made plastic on the soil to keep weeds down,
they use things like wet newspaper covered with straw or shredded bark mulch,
that won't let weeds sprout but still let the "ecosystem" in the ground interact
with the air and the rain.
Being an organic gardener is great for the Earth, a great chance
to work on your problem-solving skills, and a lot of fun when you get to eat
and enjoy what you've worked so hard to grow.
R . . . for Raised Beds.
Building a box out of wood and filling it with compost and perhaps
some rotted manure and soil-loosening substances may cost you some time and
money the first year. But over the years, you'll get paid back many times over.
Your soil doesn't get pushed down by people's feet walking over
Plant roots can get oxygen more easily because the soil isn't
The soil can drain easily after a rain instead of drowning the
roots in puddles because the soil is pushed together and won't drain.
It is tons easier to pull up crops that grow underground, such as
potatoes and beets, because the soil is nice and loose.
You can plant in raised beds earlier in the spring, and later in
the fall, because they warm up faster than the plain ground in the spring, and
stay warm longer than the plain ground in the fall.
D . . . for Deep Soil.
If you can dig deep in your garden soil, and add compost and other
soil improvements to raise up your garden beds, you might be able to create a
growing habitat for plant roots that is as many as 18 inches deep.
It is amazing how much bigger a plant's root system will grow if
it simply has deep enough loosened soil in which to grow.
Think how much better it would be for root vegetables, like
carrots, if they could grow straight down in loosened soil for 18 inches,
rather than one inch or six.
If you try to grow carrots in soil that you haven't loosened up,
you may end up with carrot BRICKS! They'll grow sideways, rather than straight
(A great resource book on these four concepts is The Vegetable Gardener's BIBLE by Edward
C. Smith.)